Staffing Issues:
An extraordinary meeting of the Parent Council was held virtually on 20 April 2021 in order to discuss staffing.
Highland Council has reduced the number of teach staff allocated to Kinlochbervie High School. Using a formula, the high school has only been allocated 7.5 whole time equivalent teachers. In previous years, the school has always been allocated a better staffing level but Highland Council has refused any increase this year. The staffing reduction will mean that the school will be able to offer fewer subjects. The school feels that 9.0 whole time equivalent teachers is required to deliver the curriculum satisfactorily.
Councillors Hugh Morrison and Linda Munro attended the meeting and will take parent concerns back to Highland Council and ask them to reconsider the allocation. If the request is refused, the parent council will consider whether further action can be taken.
Click the link to view/download the minutes of the meeting.
Extra-ordinary Parent Council Meeting 29-04-21
Date of next meeting:
26 May 2021 at 6.00 pm via Google Meet