Children In Need

Tomorrow (Wednesday 13 November), the entire ASG will be marking Children In Need.

There will be a PJ day – pupils can come to school in their PJs, onesies or dressing gowns for a £2 donation. If they don’t wish to take part, they shoulw wear their normal uniform.

There will be a bake sale at morning interval with cakes to buy for approx 50p/£1 each. If parents/families are able to donate some baking it would be much appreciated.

After lunch there will be some fun interhouse games and a Pudsey treasure hunt!

Thank you in advance for your support to make tomorrow a great day!

World Mental Health Day

This Friday the High School pupils and staff are supporting the charity Young Minds who raise vital funds to support young people with their mental health. We are taking part in Hello Yellow Day by celebrating World Mental Health Day (a day late, we are aware) and will wear yellow to school. Our Health & Wellbeing focus this year is on mental health and we will endeavour to support all our young people and our staff to have a happy, healthy year ahead.

(Please send £1 donation with your child if they are taking part. School uniform should be worn as usual if they are not participating).

World Mental Health Day – Wear Yellow

This Thursday is World Mental Health Day but the school is celebrating it on Friday instead by having a Yellow Day in the high school. Pupils and staff can come in wearing anything yellow, subtle or not so subtle if they wish and pay £1. If not wearing yellow, pupils should wear normal uniform. There will be a brief assembly on Friday morning where some/all of our Pupil Council will do a short presentation on why we are wearing yellow and why World Mental Health Day is important.

Reminder: Parent Council Meeting Next Week

The next meeting of the North West Sutherland Schools Parent Council will be held next Wednesday 18 September at 7.00 pm in Scourie Primary School.

Annual General Meeting

Followed by Ordinary Meeting

Wednesday 18 September

7.00 PM


All parents and careers are welcome

If you have items you wish to be discussed please contact the secretary:

[email protected]

Telephone: 01971 906 (Day) or 01971 521302 (Evening)

Download the agenda: Agenda AGM

Key Dates

A new tab has been added to the menu – Key Dates. This will be updated frequently.

Highland Council School Term Dates

Key Dates for September-October 2019

Date Event Other
16-17 September Inset Days No school for pupils
18 September Parent Council Scourie Primary School at 7.00 pm
26 September Young Ambassadors Event Inverness
27 September MacMillan Coffee Morning Fundraiser
5 October Start of Kenya Trip (Staff)
7 October Grand Tours of Scotland’s Lochs Dylan & Ross on TV
9 October S1-S3 Parents Evening 4-7 pm
10 October YPI Final – Youth in Philanthropy
11 October Holidays begin – end of Autumn Term From 1.25 pm

New Pupil Council 2019-2020

Elections fro Pupil Council have been held. There are 10 members – 1 from each primary school, 1 from each high school class (S1-S4) and 4 from the upper classes (P5/P6). Meetings are held on Wednesdays once a month.

Click the Pupil Council tab on the menu for more information including list of representatives, meeting schedule and the minutes.